• Research


Shropshire Chamber develop all policy arguments through engagement with members and local businesses. This ensures that your voice is heard by the right people.

We listen to our members and the local business community on the issues that concern them and use this knowledge to ensure that Government take these into account when formulating business policy. This includes lobbying and consultations, chamber forums and the Quarterly Economic Surveys.

Our policy and representation activities allow us to influence decisions on a wide variety of subjects including transport, regional development, sectoral issues, and inward development.

Engaging Policymakers:

The Chamber maintains strong relations with policymakers in the region to give members a voice in the decision-making process. We support members to engage with decision makers in the region and facilitate direct communication with policymakers who make decisions that affect your business. Our policy events allow businesses to raise concerns and discuss policy issues affecting their business with key local policymakers.

Contact the Policy & Representation team