- Carried out by an independent team of businesspeople from across the county, including category sponsors
- The Chamber staff play no part in the shortlisting process
- Entries are assessed against the published award criteria
- A maximum of 10 points are available for each of the requested areas
- A maximum of 10 further points are allocated for overall quality of the entry
- A minimum of two members of the shortlisting panel score each entry
- No-one with any conflict of interest in a particular category is permitted to help shortlist those entries
- The decision of the shortlisting panel is final
- All entries will be acknowledged by the Chamber, and all entrants will be told whether they have been successful in the shortlisting process
- Shortlisted finalists will be announced by Shropshire Chamber ahead of the judging process, and all information is confidential and embargoed until that date
The Judging Process
Each shortlisted finalist is visited by a panel of 3 judges, usually including a representative of the category sponsor
All finalists in each category are visited by the same group of judges, on the same day
There are separate judging panels for each awards category
The Chamber staff play no part in the judging process
A total of 36 judges will be required for the 2025 awards
Other important notes:
- A pre meeting will be held for all judges to attend to ensure all judging rule are adhered to.
- Judges must ensure all finalists have the one hour allocated for their finalist visit appointment.
- Judging of all categories will take place over the course of one working week excluding Company of the Year which will be the following week.
- No-one with any conflict of interest in a particular category is permitted to be involved in the judging panel.
- Finalists will be assessed against the published category criteria.
- The decision of the judging panel is final.
- Winners will be announced at the awards event on June 20th 2025, and all information is confidential and embargoed until that date.
Shortlisting and Judging Process