SCG StuartThis autumn, Stuart Ford, a local Microsoft 365 Training Specialist, is offering training sessions for businesses and individuals in a range of Microsoft Office software, including his popular workshop: ‘Everything you always wanted to know about Excel – but were afraid to ask!’

Stuart has over 25 years’ experience delivering Microsoft 365 skills training to businesses and adults within Shropshire, working with people of all abilities and at a pace to suit each person’s needs.

Whether you are a complete novice or want to advance your existing knowledge, Stuart’s workshop will teach you what Excel is capable of and help you to become more confident in using the software.

His training can be conducted face to face on an individual basis or in small groups, with sessions arranged around the needs of the learners. He also offers individual skills training on a remote basis on flexible days and times.

This workshop is available through Shrewsbury Colleges Group’s Business Solutions team, who offer a wide range of workshops to help all businesses across different departments, including further workshops led by Stuart focused on other Microsoft Office software.

Contact the Business Solutions team on 01743 342602 to find out more about our workshops and to discuss your requirements.