Hope House Children's Hospices is asking people in Shropshire to donate like never before as it aims to raise £500,000 in just 36-hours to fund its end of life care for children and families for a whole year.

Their Final Moments Matter campaign will run from 10am on Sunday, November 21 until 10pm on Monday November 22. 

Shropshire Chamber have pledged to support this campaign to help the charity reach their target! 

Local businesses and key supporters have promised £250,000 of support. This will be used as match funding for every donation made during the 36 hour period. Only if £250,000 is donated by the public will the match funding pledges be completely unlocked and the £500,000 raised.

Bekki Fardoe, Hope House Area Fundraiser said: “This week we have launched an exciting campaign that we will be running over 36 hours in November (10am Sunday 21st until 10pm on Monday 22nd) – Final Moments Matter

"To give children and families Final Moments that Matter in 2022 we need to raise £500,000 – the annual cost of providing the best end of life care for every child and family in this region who turns to us.  To do this we are asking our community to come together as one, to embrace local families whose hearts are breaking and make sure they are not isolated in their pain and grief.  This is the biggest fundraising target we have ever set ourselves.

“A group of incredible supporters have pledged to match all donations received during the campaign up to £250,000 and we are delighted that Shropshire Chamber will be supporting us with this campaign – sharing our stories and spreading the word to help us unlock this cash and reach out goal.

Thanks to our pledgers every pound raised or donated during the 36 hour Final Moments Matter campaign will be doubled.”

Shropshire Chamber are hoping to raise £1000 (£2000 match funded), once matched this could fund neonatal services for a week, providing care and support to families whose baby is diagnosed with a life-threating condition during pregnancy, or develops problems during birth.

If you would like to get involved in the Final Moments Matter campaign and help the Chamber Champions achieve their target of £1000, please use the link below to donate from 10am on Sunday, November 21 until 10pm on Monday November 22.