Shropshire Council is urging businesses to have their say on ambitious plans and priorities to shape the cultural landscape for the next 10 years.
“Vibrant Shropshire” aims to create a place where extraordinary and everyday cultural experiences are a source of inspiration for all.
The importance of culture to quality of life, health and wellbeing and the economy is reflected in happier and healthier communities and cultural venues and activities lead the way for climate and environmental change mitigation.
The Cultural Strategy is currently out for consultation, giving you the chance to have your say. The consultation will run until Tuesday 5 January 2021.
The strategy has been developed in partnership with key stakeholders, including the Cultural Strategy Working Group, the Arts Council and the local cultural sector, making it a vision the county can own together.
It follows one to one consultation with sector leaders and three workshops with individuals representing the wider cultural sector, which were held in Craven Arms, Shrewsbury and Wem prior to the coronavirus pandemic.
Once published, an Implementation Plan will be created, setting out the actions across a range of partners for the next three years. This will be monitored annually, and a report will be published, setting out the progress against the priorities listed in this document.
Lezley Picton, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for culture, leisure, waste and communications, said: “The new cultural strategy for Shropshire is a huge step in further recognising the importance of culture to our health and wellbeing as well as the local economy. I would encourage as many people as possible to have their say.
“This year has really brought home to many just how important culture is. We have missed our museums, cinemas and theatres and discovered our beautiful country parks and green spaces all over again.
“The importance of books, television, film and art has also been front and centre and supported many of during an incredibly difficult year, so I would urge everybody to have a think, take part in the consultation and help us shape the future of Shropshire’s cultural sector.”
The importance of culture to our physical and mental health has been highlighted by the current pandemic. This strategy aims to give the guidance needed to create a place where extraordinary and everyday cultural experiences are a source of inspiration for all.
The new strategy emphasises the importance of culture to the quality of life, health and wellbeing and the economy, and the role it plays in developing happier and healthier people and communities.
To take part in the consultation, see
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