International Communications Advice
Free support to help you succeed overseas
International Communications Advice can help you grow your international sales revenues by overcoming language and cultural barriers such as:
Web localisation / content review - Content can be subjective, but that does not mean there is no way to evaluate it for quality and effectiveness.
Titles & Headlines - Are your blog and article titles doing all they can to grab the attention of your target audience?
Readability - Is your content easy to read and written at the right reading level for your target audience?
Title Capitalisation Rules - Is your title case style following the correct rules?
Relevant Image - Will your international audience understand your design, images or humour?
Translation - Is your message ready for translation?
Branding - Does your company and product name work overseas? Is your message too UK-centric? Should you play on your Britishness?
International communication support also covers:
• Keeping your relationship going via virtual meetings
• Communications with clients, partners, agents or distributors
• Handling foreign phone calls and emails
• Sending written information, promotional flyers
• Preparing for overseas presentations and trade shows
International Digital Advice and International Communication Advice only work in partnership. Both services complement each other.
Each advice session will be followed up by a summary of suggestions and topics discussed.
To book your session either contact your International Trade Adviser or email
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