Telford College is holding a Saturday morning open event to promote its growing range of adult education courses.
The session, from 10am to 12.30pm on December 10, will provide information about short courses, sector-specific programmes, and distance learning. Many of the courses are free to those who qualify for financial support.
Hot drinks, refreshments and mince pies will be served at the event.
The college will also be promoting a range of other courses which start in January, including level three and level five HR programmes, plus level three courses in IT, and leadership & management.
Beckie Bosworth, Telford College’s head of employer engagement, said: “This is a fantastic opportunity to learn how we can help jobseekers into employment, or upskill existing staff.
“Our sector-based work academy programmes are short courses – running for a maximum of three weeks - which are specifically designed to plug skills gaps in sectors such as HGV driving, hospitality, security, and more.
“We also have other short courses delivering valuable qualifications in areas such as team leading, customer service, lean management, warehousing, healthcare, and business administration.
“And the beauty of our distance learning courses is that you can study for a qualification without the need to attend college – perfect for people juggling home or work commitments.”
The event will also be providing more information about Telford College’s level three engineering technologies and management courses – plus a new construction site supervisor programme.
And there will be details about new courses starting in January for anyone looking to boost their English or maths qualifications.
Beckie added: “With energy bills currently very much in the headlines, there is a growing focus on green technologies. One of our latest initiatives is a ‘bootcamp’ to up-skill technicians looking to install and maintain air source pumps.”
For more details, or to register, see
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