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15-17 School Road
TF10 8LB

Our focus is on providing educational workshops, which are approved by the Carbon Literacy Project. The courses will help people buy, travel, eat, use energy, build, and plant well for the planet. In short change your lifestyle away from dependence on harmful fuels to a lifestyle that ensures the future of our planet. It will also save you money.

The Carbon Literacy Project provides you with a certification of carbon literacy. That is done in exchange for proving your understanding and taking pledges to reduce your own and a group’s impact on the environment. That means you will have the confidence to educate others on how to change their lifestyles.

Our driving passion is to improve the lives of our children, and grandchildren in the centuries ahead.

Herbert Spencer, an English philosopher, who talked about the survival of the fittest said “the great aim of education is not knowledge but action”.

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