• Shropshire Chamber Business Lunch 13th March 2025

    Your Chamberin action

Event Date: 13th March 2025
Event Time: 12:00pm to 2:30pm
Ticket Prices: Members: £25.00 / Non Members: £35.00 (Ticket Prices Ex VAT)
Did you know you can get the first place on this event free if you are an All Inclusive member?
The Shropshire Chamber Business Lunch gives the Shropshire business community the opportunity to come together in one location to help them connect and grow. Our events encourage greater growth and in-depth relationships in a professional yet relaxed environment.
The Shropshire Chamber Business Lunch gives the Shropshire business community the opportunity to come together in one location to help them connect and grow. Our events encourage greater growth and in-depth relationships in a professional yet relaxed environment. 

Lunch meetings include two courses plus some great relaxed networking.


12.30 Arrival/Networking
13.00 2 Course Lunch is served
14.00  Event Closes 

Menu tbc

Bar to be available on a cash basis

Please advise any dietary requirements in advance to k.riedel@shropshire-chamber.co.uk 

Book your Tickets