We are living through extraordinary times. Brexit was followed by Covid and we have now moved on to the economic uncertainty of rising prices, higher inflation and challenges over recruitment - all of which highlights the importance of HR support for companies.

Telford-based HR and Employment Law consultancy Human Results is helping clients across a wide variety of sectors and industries to remain on track through a comprehensive range of solutions. The company, which will celebrate its 20th birthday next year, was acquired by employment law specialist Alasdair Hobbs nearly nine years ago and its client-base extends across the UK.

We asked Alasdair to give us an insight into the work Human Results is involved with and the extensive range of services the company provides. He said:

“We provide and outsource solutions to SMEs in Shropshire, across the West Midlands and beyond, managing client risk of employing people from the outset of recruitment.

At the core of what we do

“The core of our retained service to companies includes making sure their paperwork is straight, drafting contracts of employment, offer letters and employment policies, helping with the difficult decisions around dismissals, redundancy, restructuring, service provision changes, chairing difficult meetings  and dispute resolution, including tribunal litigation.

We also provide a wider outsourced service and have developed our own software and HR enterprise platform which helps manage company risks and streamlines their HR processes.


“I think with our legal background we are particularly strong working with businesses that are regulated in some way, so areas such as domiciliary care homes, accountancy practices, law firms, children’s nurseries and children’s care homes - but we work across a wide range of industries and sectors and have clients in manufacturing, the voluntary sector, charities, leisure, engineering and retail amongst others.

“At the moment, most sectors are having great difficulty in recruitment and retention - especially the care sector and areas where they have historically been able to supplement the workforce flexibly with agency staff.

Reduced unemployment levels

“A lot of companies in manufacturing would tell you that while their traditional recruitment model has been temporary to permanent, they are finding that the quality of temps out there is not what it was. They have difficulty in recruitment, which to some degree is the same across the board because unemployment is at its lowest level in decades.

“It’s also tough right now because of the cost of living challenges, inflationary pressures on fuel and heating and so on - many companies have seen energy costs go through the roof. There is a great deal of squeeze on company margins and because recruitment is difficult, there is a greater risk that businesses will lose talent if they don’t try and keep pace with salaries.

“The risk of losing talent can be so hugely damaging to a company because the cost of replacing somebody is significant. Companies also need to be alive to the real risk that people in positions of influence, having built up relationships with customers and suppliers, could just walk away to another firm, taking all that experience and good will with them.”

Mr Hobbs said this meant companies needed to ensure they are up to date with things like restrictive covenants and contracts of employment for senior staff members within the business.

Chamber member

Mr Hobbs said: “Human Results has been a member of the Chamber for about seven years. I am also a member of the Black Country Chamber - an association which goes back to the eight years or so that I was in business in Wolverhampton.

“I joined Shropshire Chamber because I have always been a Chamber member and know a lot of Chamber people. I’ve had staff go on Shropshire Chamber training courses and I also think it’s important to keep a handle on what’s going on locally.

“It’s good to keep in touch and the majority of my clients are in the region - so it’s good to keep up with what is going on and being part of the local business community.”