In the picturesque village of Myddle, a wellness story unfolds that’s more soothing than a floatation tank session. Kevin and Suzie Guerin, the dynamic duo behind Shropshire Floats and Wellness Centre, have turned their dream into a beacon of resilience and relaxation. Opening its doors just 8 weeks before the UK's Covid lockdowns, this sanctuary has navigated through financial whirlwinds and global crises, not just surviving but thriving and expanding.
Starting modestly with two floatation tanks, they have evolved the Centre to include a Seychelles Sunroom, Reflexology, an Infrared Sauna, and the exhilarating Fire & Ice room. "When life gave us lockdowns, we decided to make a wellness lemonade," quips Kevin, reflecting the Centre's light-hearted spirit.
Despite the challenges – soaring inflation, fuel crises, and even global unrest – Shropshire Floats has defied the odds. It continuously expanded, achieving an impressive trajectory of sales growth. "We've ridden more waves than a surfer in Hawaii," Suzie jokes, "but our passion for wellness and the support from our amazing community has been our anchor."
Their journey is nothing short of inspiring. From battling the lockdown blues to emerging as a wellness haven, the Centre has quickly added new attractions. The Seychelles Sunroom offers a warm escape, while the Fire & Ice room – a mix of an ice bath, infrared sauna, and red light LED panel – caters to the adventurous souls. "It’s like having a spa day at both poles," Kevin says with a wink.
Not stopping there, they've teamed up with an expert massage practitioner, ensuring a comprehensive wellness experience. The Centre’s over 380 five-star reviews speak volumes of its impact. "Each review is as heartwarming as the sauna sessions we offer," Suzie notes with pride.
Shropshire Floats and Wellness Centre is more than a place for relaxation; it’s a community where stress evaporates like mist in their sauna. "We’ve seen more relaxed faces here than a Zen master," Suzie adds with a smile.
For those seeking a break from the grind and a dip into serenity, Shropshire Floats and Wellness Centre beckons. Whether it’s floating in tranquility, chilling in an ice bath, or unwinding under skilled hands, this place promises an experience that rejuvenates both body and soul.
"Drop by for the float, stay for the experience," Kevin invites, "and discover why we’re not just about wellness, but about creating joyful, lasting memories."
To dive into the range of services and their remarkable benefits, visit Shropshire Floats and Wellness Centre. Embark on your own journey of relaxation and rejuvenation today!
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