Of course, it can! Recently, the founder of Madeleys First Aid Plus, Lou Madeley, left her comfort zone in intensive care, and trauma, and "did away" with all that made her feel safe. If someone had said, "one day you'll leave the patient bedside, lose the uniform you hide behind, and take centre stage to educate the everyday person about first aid and mental health first aid! You'll use analogies such as the heart is just your plumbing, and the brain is an electrical system, I'm sure she would've laughed, thought me bonkers, and carried on with the shift!
This is what Lou Madeley says now, with a successful business in training expert-led first aid in a completely different way to lay first aid trainers, and a new venture on the way (more on that to follow soon....), and the prestigious FSB Best Start-up Business in the West Midlands, beating hundreds of entries, she is on a mission to demystify all terminologies that are unnecessary, and act as a barrier to learning the basics of saving someone's life, both in physical, and mental health!
She says: As part of my mission to demystify First Aid I have recorded some podcasts including:
Plumbing, Electrics and Mechanics, and Circulatory System and Bleeds.
I see the body as having 3 systems - Plumbing, Electrics and Mechanics.
When one or more of these systems stops working you might have a cardiac arrest, a heart attack, a catastrophic bleed or an injury to your joints or bones.
Like all my training, I teach in a unique way to those who may be afraid to learn or believe they can't learn. I understand neurodiversity, and that everyone has their own unique superpower way of learning, so I train to people’s abilities, not difficulties, and it works. From 5-year-olds to large corporate businesses, everyone can, and needs to learn. The statistics are grim I'm afraid, Out of Hospital CPR is an 80% chance of happening at home, and 10% survival rate, however for every minute you don't start compressions, your loved one, colleague, friend, or a stranger who could've become a friend, will lose another 10% chance of survival. With these odds, and someone training you who has performed CPR hundreds of thousands of times (at times resus in London could see many arrests in a day) over a 30-year career, the question is "why wouldn't you learn first aid?"
Click on the link and see what you think!
Available on all your usual podcast channels https://www.1386audio.com/ need to check link.
Or Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/6FsYk85GvWgWRazvV6CqOb
If you feel you've learned anything new from listening to me (they are 15-25 minutes long each), please leave me some feedback so I may improve the next podcast. If you have a request for an episode, again, feel free to feed this back to me!
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