Wow, it’s almost a full year since I took over the helm at Triangle HR, following a management buy-out, and what an exciting time it has been!

Like most, the past year has seen us handling the ongoing impact of Covid 19, but alongside this, we have opened an office in Telford, developed our Management Development provision, and trialled and prepared for the launch of our very own online HR platform – MyTri!

I won’t lie… the first few months were very busy and a little challenging with various internal changes, however since then, we have started working with some amazing colleagues and partners and are continuing to build a team that is excited about and committed to providing high quality HR solutions.

We are super excited about what 2022/2023 has in store, and as sponsors of the Wellbeing in the Workplace category of the Shropshire Chamber Business Awards, we hope to see many familiar and new faces soon.

Nikki Hall, Managing Director

The Triangle HR Team

Lauren Crompton (HR Consultant)

Since joining us in June 2021, Lauren has built fantastic relationships with our clients and partners, with regular comments being made on her professionalism and ability to ‘get the job done’. As well as providing telephone and email guidance, Lauren has become a true ‘HR Partner’ providing substantial on-site support for those long-term requirements, and with her also completing her CIPD Level 5 Apprenticeship, we are extremely proud of her achievements.

Amy Stein (HR Consultant)

February 2022 has seen Amy join the team, and with a varied background in HR and Learning & Development, Amy is experienced in a range of HR matters including performance management, misconduct, complex grievances, and business reorganisations, as well as the facilitation, design, and delivery of learning solutions with a focus on adding value. A member of the CIPD, and Vice Chair of the local CIPD branch, Amy is a dedicated HR professional with a commercial focus and a keen interest in professional development.

Karen Smith (Trainee HR Consultant)

Having just celebrated the National Apprenticeship Week, we are very excited to be welcoming Karen Smith on Monday 7th March. Having worked within HR some time ago, and with an extensive customer service and account management experience, Karen brings professionalism, positivity and a genuine desire for personal development and growth. Working towards a recognised CIPD qualification via the apprenticeship framework, we are looking forward to supporting her journey in the world of HR.

Laura Fox (Associate HR Consultant)

2022 has also seen Triangle HR join forces with Laura Fox as an Associate HR Consultant, providing specialist and flexible resource to meet all our client’s requirements. With a broad consultancy background, Laura is comfortable and experienced in supporting a range of HR projects, as well and Learning and Development initiatives, and with a down-to-earth and commercial approach, her skills and background compliment the THR team perfectly.

For practical, hands-on support, or further information on how we can assist your business, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 01743 444007 / 01952 981007, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or via