Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service are inviting Shropshire businesses to their Business Education Seminar on Thursday 24th June at 2pm.
Who needs to attend?
The seminars are aimed at persons who have a responsibility for fire safety in a business and if you want to know if this applies to you, ask yourself these questions:
Are you the employer?
Do you have control of the premises?
Do you own the building?
If you answer ‘yes’ to any of these questions you may have some responsibility for fire safety at the premises, and this seminar will benefit you to ensure that your responsibilities are met.
What will I learn?
The presentation will cover the following areas.
- Overview of the fire safety legislation
- Completion of a fire risk assessment
- General fire precautions, and how they apply them to your premises
- Human behaviour
- A fire safety audit
- Open questions & answers
To enable these seminars to take place in a COVID-19 safe environment, Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service are working with Aico, who have generously provided their demonstration facility at Aico head office in Oswestry. This venue will provide adequately sized rooms for a COVID-19 safe environment to allow for a more interactive presentation.
To secure a place at this event, please email your business name, business address and the names of the persons attending to:
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