The University of Wolverhampton’s Apprenticeship Hub has welcomed government support for the extension of a scheme to hire Apprentices.
Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak MP, announced in the Budget earlier this month that the employer scheme for hiring Apprentices would be extended until 30 September 2021 with an additional boost to the existing incentive payment.
Under the scheme’s extension, businesses will be eligible for £3,000 for each new Apprentice hired between 1st April 2021 and 30 September 2021, regardless of their age.
For employers hiring new Apprentices aged 16 to 18 and those under 25 with an Education, Health and Care Plan, they will in addition receive the existing £1,000 incentive that is already in place, bringing the total amount that employers will receive to £4,000.
As well as the bonus extension a new innovative flexi-Apprenticeship programme, "Flexi-Job" Apprenticeships which is due to start in Jan 2022, will allow people to work for a number of different employers in the same sector. Individuals will be linked to an agency, instead of a single employer, meaning they will be able to develop their skills by taking on different jobs with multiple employers in one sector.
Michele Roberts, Head of the Apprenticeship Hub at the University, said: “This is welcomed news for Apprenticeships and confirms that the government can clearly see the role Apprenticeships can play in re-charging the economy
“A number of our employers were able to benefit for the incentives earlier this year and the boost to £3,000 per Apprentice irrespective of age is great news."
Employers interested in finding out more about the benefits of Degree or Higher Apprenticeships should email
The University offers the following Higher and Degree Apprenticeships:
- Chartered Manager (CMDA)
- Senior Leader Master’s Degree
- Chartered Surveyor
- Building Control Surveying
- Chartered Legal Executive
- Manufacturing Engineer
- Product Design & Development Engineer
- Civil & Transportation Engineering
- Architectural Assistant
- Nursing Associate Apprenticeship
- Social Work
- Registered Nurse
- Postgraduate Teaching
- Digital and Technology Solutions Professional
- Professional and Healthcare Science Practitioner (Respiratory & Sleep Physiology or Cardiac Physiology)
- Laboratory Science
- Environmental Health Practitioner
- From April 2021 Occupational Therapy with a further number of healthcare programmes in development for September 2021
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