Telford College’s Willow Tree Centre, which provides a safe and stimulating environment for students with severe learning difficulties, has been shortlisted for two national awards.

The National Learning Disabilities & Autism Awards celebrate excellence in the support for people with learning disabilities and aim to pay tribute to those individuals or organisations who excel in providing quality care.

Telford College has been shortlisted for the ‘Supporting People With Profound And Multiple Learning Disabilities Award’, as well as the ‘Manager Award’ which recognises top-quality leadership.

Finalists have been interviewed by an independent panel of judges, and the winners will be announced at the International Convention Centre in Birmingham on June 21.

Kimberley Gunter, manager of the Willow Tree Centre, said: “Being nominated for these two awards is recognition of all the hard work put in by our fantastic team.

“Many people with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD) face disproportionate challenges in life. But with person-centred, collaborative and creative support, they can lead a full, healthy and active life and be active citizens in their community.”

The ‘Supporting People’ award celebrates innovative and inspiring practice that achieves positive outcomes for people with PMLD. Judges were looking for evidence that the service was having a ‘profound impact’ on people’s lives.

The Manager Award seeks to celebrate a manager who has demonstrated a high level of expertise, exceptional skills in leadership and management, great support for colleagues and a positive commitment to person centred support.