On Father’s Day this year 2wish launched ‘Let’s Talk BereaveMENt’, a month long campaign focused on raising awareness of men’s experiences of grief.

As part of this campaign, they are running a series of localised events, as part of this offer, they wanted to share with you their upcoming online event ‘Let’s Talk BereaveMENt’ forum.

This panel event will be an open discussion about mental health and bereavement, with the aim of establishing ways we as individuals, an organisation and a society can better understand and support men’s mental health.

They would really appreciate it if you’re able to share with friends and colleagues whom this may be of interest.

The event will consist of an introduction from each of their panellists, who each have a background in men’s mental health, whether it be through experience or expertise, they will be discussing a range of topics.


  • The challenges for men to access support and open up
  • How to ask for help
  • The benefits of reaching out and asking for help
  • Coping strategies
  • Finding comfort through your grief
  • How we can better support men’s mental health
  • What can be put in place to help and support

The panellists will be leading the conversation, with open Q&As throughout for attendees to ask questions and share their thoughts.

All are welcome, and there’s no obligation to speak if you prefer to sit and listen. Please register via this link; https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2Nlv20v5R4WTGmEbyIQmtA#/registration