Are these the largest poppies in Shropshire?

The team at Telford-based Seymour Manufacturing International have made six giant poppies which are proudly displayed on the front of their head office.

The company specialises in manufacturing waterproof thermal insulation products for some of the country’s top retailers, and decided to use its award-winning material to make two huge ‘Lest We Forget’ displays.

The displays, including individual poppies which are each almost 3ft wide, were guided into place more than 20ft above ground level on the SMI building at Stafford Park by the SMI team, with the help of a fork lift truck.

SMI managing director Jill Seymour said: “From fabrication to installation, we wanted to use our skills and award-winning products to create something truly eye-catching and poignant to recognise and pay tribute to all those who have fought for our freedom.”